Whether you are new to photography of not, photography inspiration can be difficult to come by some days. That’s why I have put together a calendar of ideas to help.
Several years ago I took part in a photo-a-day challenge to take a photograph everyday for a year. That year I took inspiration from a set of themes posted online. I cheated a bit and used my archive of photos to post a picture a day but, it did get me thinking about inspiration and writing down all those random ideas that strike. For 2019 I have used those ideas plus others gathered from various places to create a whole year of inspiration for anyone to use.
365 Days of photography Inspiration
I don’t expect you to take a picture every day and post it online, that’s just far too much work! If you have the time and are up for the challenge no one is stopping you though. If you’re out and about and stuck for ideas use the calendar to help guide your photography. Use it to help you out of a photographic rut, if you always photograph the same type of thing use it to help you expand your skills and try something new. Or if you want to try a week or month-long challenge that’s ok too. Whichever way you want to use the calendar is entirely up to you. The main thing is to be out there taking great photos.
There are a few subjects throughout the calendar that you may be unsure of if you are new to photography. To help you I will be posting blogs throughout the year that to help, there are also several blogs already posted on this site, that might help.
Download the Calendar
If you want to get hold of a copy of the calendar use the link below to signup, you will be sent a link to download the file.
Running alongside the calendar I have created a Facebook group, details of the group can be found on the calendar.